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Our environment



As the world transitions to a low carbon economy,
regulatory change and changes in consumer behaviour
will have an impact on the
automotive and technology
industries, meaning we need to continue to develop
and adapt our business strategy.


Protecting our business from
the impact of climate change
and working to reduce our own
emissions to net zero by 2040.







  • Achieve net zero in our own business as well as support our customers and suppliers as they also transition to net zero.
  • Ensure the majority of our employees have completed Carbon Literacy training.
  • Help our customers to confidently sell more electric vehicles.
  • Support our customers in making their workforce environmentally aware with the Carbon Literacy Toolkit.
  • Help car buyers make more environmentally friendly vehicle choices.
  • Use our data and insight to support and influence the Government’s policies related to supporting the adoption of electric vehicles.




  • Our long-term target to be net zero by 2040 has been resubmitted to the Science Based Targets initiative (‘SBTi’) and has been validated and approved.

  • 208 customers and partners have engaged with the Automotive Carbon Literacy Toolkit, with over 3,200 people completing their accreditation.

  • Climate contribution strategy – over £350k supporting carbon removal projects and environmental initiatives.

  • Launched e-bikes on the Auto Trader marketplace.

  • Expanded the audience of our Government briefings on the progress of the UK’s electric transition and was invited to give evidence at the House of Lords Committee looking at the EV transition.

  • Over 10.8 million people have engaged with our monthly electric vehicle (‘EV’) giveaway since the campaign started, increasing brand awareness and association of Auto Trader with EVs.

Putting the brakes on carbon

We want to minimise our impact on the environment, thereby protecting our business from the impact of climate change. Our strategy is to put the brakes on carbon, not only across our own operations and supply chain, but also using our capabilities and voice to influence the automotive industry to support others in the transition to a low carbon economy and take urgent action to tackle climate change.

We have committed to reaching net zero by 2040 and have developed a carbon reduction target which has been validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative.


Our aim is to support the automotive industry in the transition to the mass adoption of electric vehicles. The industry is under enormous pressure to reduce its carbon emissions and whilst many manufacturers and retailers have bold commitments to reduce emissions, many are still very early on in their sustainability journeys and are actively seeking support to help them develop a carbon reduction plan.


We also aim to support consumers in making the switch to more environmentally friendly vehicles and to be the number one electric car destination in the UK.

Our net zero commitment

Our net zero commitment

Net zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gases produced vs the amount removed from the atmosphere. We reach net zero when the amount we add is no more than the amount taken away.
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Supporting the automotive industry

Supporting the automotive industry

Our aim is to support the industry in its transition towards the mass adoption of electric vehicles (‘EVs’).
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Supporting consumers

Supporting consumers

Our aim is to support consumers to make more environmentally friendly vehicle choices and to be the number one electric vehicle destination in the UK.
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TCFD reporting

TCFD reporting

We support the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (‘TCFD’) and its recommendations and are committed to assessing the impacts of climate risks and opportunities across our operations and supply chains.
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The Road to 2035

Keep up to date with the progress of EV adoption as we
approach the 2035 ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles.

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Our people & communities

At Auto Trader, we recognise that our people are fundamental to our success.

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Our governance & compliance

Always upholding the values of good corporate governance and risk management.

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Policies & reports

Our commitment to being a responsible and transparent organisation.

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  • @2024 Auto Trader Group plc. Registered in England with company number: 09439967.