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Pay gap reporting



We report not only our gender pay gap,
but also our ethnicity pay gap, and actively
campaign for other large companies to follow suit.

Our fourth combined Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report
(published in November 2023, reporting the pay gap as
at 5 April 2023) details our commitment to creating a diverse
and inclusive work community that enhances our culture.

This year in Auto Trader Limited, we have made positive steps in reducing both our median and mean pay gaps with our median reducing by 3.3% and our mean by 2.3%. We look at three primary areas when exploring what led to the decrease: retention; changes in circumstances for our existing colleagues and new hires.


We have performed well again in retaining women in the upper quartiles, with just 30% of our leavers who are women being in the upper quartiles compared to 63% for men. Our overall gender split when looking at people who left Auto Trader in the last 12 months was also more favourable to women, they accounted for 30% of leavers compared to 70% for men.

We have also continued with our focus on hiring early career roles, with 31% of total hires joining an Early Career programme. Of the technology based roles, 64% of them went to women as part of our continued strategy to increase the number of women in technology by hiring at entry level and progressing them through their careers.


We have continued to make progress in reducing both our median and mean ethnicity pay gaps this year, with our median gap reducing by 5.5% and our mean by 1.2%. We have also increased Ethnically Diverse representation across all quartiles, with the upper middle quartiles showing the largest increase at 3.4%.

Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2024

Our fifth combined Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report
(published in November 2024, reporting the pay gap
as at 5 April 2024).


Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2023

Our fourth combined Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report
(published in November 2023, reporting the pay gap
as at 5 April 2023).


Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2022

Our third combined Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report
(published in November 2022, reporting the pay gap
as at 5 April 2022).


Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2021

Our second combined Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report
(published in March 2022, reporting the pay gap
as at 5 April 2021).


Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2020

Our first combined Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report
(published in March 2021, reporting the pay gap
as at 5 April 2020).


Policies & reports


Download all of our current and historical documents,
including pay gap reporting, modern slavery statements
and group tax strategies. 

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  • @2024 Auto Trader Group plc. Registered in England with company number: 09439967.