LSE: 756.40 GBP 10.40 (1.39%)

Our governance
& compliance


We are committed to always upholding the values of
good corporate governance and risk
considering the needs of all our stakeholders in our
strategic decision making. We comply with our legal and
regulatory obligations and behave ethically at all times. 


Maintaining a trusted marketplace
for our customers and consumers
to find, buy and sell a vehicle.






  • Fully adopt the NIST Framework for cyber security.
  • Going beyond the requirements of both GDPR and FCA compliance and embracing the spirit and principles.
  • Integrate sustainability into all aspects and decision-making processes of our business.
  • Embed our Ethical Procurement Policy within the business and adopt a socially responsible sourcing model.
  • Report comprehensively in line with recommended reporting frameworks, including TCFD and SASB.



  • Fully migrated our technology infrastructure to the cloud and exited from our two main data centres in June 2023.

  • 92% of our employees have completed our new Consumer Duty compliance training.

  • Established and implemented new guidance, policies and frameworks to ensure we meet the requirements of Consumer Duty, and put the consumer at the heart of our business.

  • Integration of Autorama into the Group governance framework.

  • Continued improvement of ethical procurement information gathered.

  • Successful transition to BDO as internal auditors, with reviews of FCA Consumer Duty, cyber security over AT Connect, software development lifecycle and IT Disaster recovery being completed in the year.

  • Refreshed our comprehensive fraud risk assessment in the light of new regulations.

The Board recognises that safety, wellbeing,
environmental, social and ethical matters
form key elements of effective corporate
governance, which in turn support our strategy,
long-term performance and the sustainability
of our business.

We aspire to conduct ourselves with the highest standards of honesty
and integrity. To ensure that these standards are embedded across the
business and are part of our culture, we have compliance frameworks
in place, consisting of policies, processes, guidance and training
focused on a number of core compliance topics.

As an online marketplace, cyber security and protecting customer and
consumer data is a primary area of focus for Auto Trader. As we shift to
an accelerated adoption of digital retailing it is paramount that our
data security and infrastructure evolve with our business priorities.


Details of our Board governance framework and policies can be found
in the corporate governance section:


Corporate governance

Want to see how we govern our ESG strategy?



To ensure that high standards are embedded across the business and form part of our culture, we have compliance frameworks in place, consisting of policies, processes, guidance and training focused on a number of core compliance topics.
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Cyber security

Cyber security

We are committed to the security of our services and protecting our customers from cybercrime and fraud. Attempts to breach our systems to access our data and the threat of an unauthorised malicious attack on our systems pose a significant and perpetual threat.
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Acting ethically

We ensure that high standards
of ethical behaviour are
embedded across the business
and form a part of our culture.

We believe that the only way to
deliver the best experience for our
consumers and the best services for
our customers – and to do the right
thing by our people – is to approach
things in the right way.

Data protection

Data protection

Data is at the heart of everything we do and data compliance and protection is of critical importance to Auto Trader.
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A trusted platform

A trusted platform

As a leading online platform, we strive to provide a platform that is relevant, reliable and fair.
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Corporate governance


The key features of our governance framework and how
it complies with 2018’s UK Corporate Governance Code.



Other sections in ESG

Our environment

Protecting our business from the impact of climate change and reducing our own emissions.

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Our people & communities

At Auto Trader, we recognise that our people are fundamental to our success.

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Policies & reports

Our commitment to being a responsible and transparent organisation.

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Other Group sites

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  • @2025 Auto Trader Group plc. Registered in England with company number: 09439967.