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09 February 23 Company news

Auto Trader net zero targets formally approved by Science Based Targets Initiative


Auto Trader’s environmental strategy is focused on ‘putting the brakes on carbon’ – our number one priority is to reduce the harmful emissions we are responsible for.

Our plan includes making our car fleet fully electric, switching to renewable energy and reducing the energy we consume in running our business, as well as working in partnership with our suppliers to make sure we use sustainable goods and services. We are already investing in projects that aim to improve the efficiency of transport, preserving forests, producing wind and solar energy.

But we don’t stop there; we've set a target to be a net zero business by 2040 which involves reducing our emissions by 90% and compensating for what is left by removing it from the atmosphere.

And today we received formal accreditation from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) that our net zero targets have been approved.

The Science Based Targets Initiative aims to drive ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organisations to set science-based emissions reduction targets.

Our environmental strategy is made up of three key pillars:

  • Auto Trader: what are we doing to reduce our own impact
  • Our customers and the industry: looking beyond electric vehicles to broader sustainability initiatives, for example, Carbon Literacy training.
  • Consumers: how we can help consumers to make environmentally friendlier choices

Read more about our environmental strategy here.

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